Saturday, December 20, 2014

Sony hack fallout: What can the U.S. do against North Korea?


What seemed an unlikely twist in a cheap Hollywood thriller is now reality: the U.S. government has publicly accused North Korea of hacking Sony

Uncle Sam's finger has been pointed, and President Barack Obama has made a promise to respond "proportionately" sometime in the future. Meanwhile, North Korea has denied any responsibility and even offered to help in a joint investigation

But what can the U.S. actually do to retaliate or answer the cyberattack that led to the destruction of various Sony Pictures computers as well as the leak of around 200 gigabytes of internal data, which exposed salacious private emails, corporate secrets, as well as Sony's embarassing security practices? Read more...

More about Hacking, Sony, Hackers, Sony Pictures, and North Korea

via Web News Blogs

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