Saturday, August 30, 2014

NASA Confirms “Impossible” Propellant-free Microwave Thruster for Spacecraft Works!

Designs for a device called a microwave thruster, which could power spacecraft without the need for propellant, have been proposed since 2006. While the engine follows the principles of relativity theory in converting electrical energy into force to produce thrust, it has been dismissed as impossible in practice since it defies the law of conservation of momentum. But a team from NASA has just successfully trialled their own version of the engine, which changes everything.

NASA, EmDrive, microwave thruster, propulsion, spacecraft, mission to Mars, alternative energy sources, microwave technology, relativity, solar power, space race, Roger Shawyer, Guido Fetta, NASA, EmDrive, microwave thruster, propulsion, spacecraft, mission to Mars, alternative energy sources, microwave technology, relativity, solar power, space race, Roger Shawyer, Guido Fetta, NASA, EmDrive, microwave thruster, propulsion, spacecraft, mission to Mars, alternative energy sources, microwave technology, relativity, solar power, space race, Roger Shawyer, Guido Fetta,

Read the rest of NASA Confirms “Impossible” Propellant-free Microwave Thruster for Spacecraft Works!

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Post tags: alternative energy sources, EmDrive, Guido Fetta, microwave technology, microwave thruster, mission to mars, nasa, propulsion, relativity, Roger Shawyer, Solar Power, space race, spacecraft

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