Thursday, May 1, 2014

Aymeric Renoud’s Minimalist ‘R Chair’ Reduces, Reuses, Recycles, and Rethinks Materials

Aymeric Renoud, R chair, reuse, reduce, recycle, rethink, green design, sustainable design, green furniture, sustainable furniture, green interiors, duncan of jordanstone, green chair, eco chair

Aymeric Renoud‘s R chair is the first in a series of four furnishings that explore one of the most basic notions of sustainability, the 4R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rethink).The idea for this chair was to adopt a minimalist approach in order to reduce waste and provide material economy without compromising sturdiness, aesthetics and durability. The R Chair features a slender folding frame strung with hand-dyed hemp rope. Material economy helps to reduce the chair’s impact, and the entire piece was assembled by hand and finished with natural materials. Aymeric Renoud created the R Chair for a study project at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design.

+ Aymeric Renoud

Aymeric Renoud, R chair, reuse, reduce, recycle, rethink, green design, sustainable design, green furniture, sustainable furniture, green interiors, duncan of jordanstone, green chair, eco chair Aymeric Renoud, R chair, reuse, reduce, recycle, rethink, green design, sustainable design, green furniture, sustainable furniture, green interiors, duncan of jordanstone, green chair, eco chair Aymeric Renoud, R chair, reuse, reduce, recycle, rethink, green design, sustainable design, green furniture, sustainable furniture, green interiors, duncan of jordanstone, green chair, eco chair Aymeric Renoud, R chair, reuse, reduce, recycle, rethink, green design, sustainable design, green furniture, sustainable furniture, green interiors, duncan of jordanstone, green chair, eco chair Aymeric Renoud, R chair, reuse, reduce, recycle, rethink, green design, sustainable design, green furniture, sustainable furniture, green interiors, duncan of jordanstone, green chair, eco chair Aymeric Renoud, R chair, reuse, reduce, recycle, rethink, green design, sustainable design, green furniture, sustainable furniture, green interiors, duncan of jordanstone, green chair, eco chair

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Post tags: "green furniture", "sustainable furniture", Aymeric Renoud, duncan of jordanstone, eco chair, green chair, green design, green interiors, R chair, Recycle, reduce, Rethink, reuse, sustainable design

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