Sunday, December 21, 2014

Subscription boxes have just gotten way out of control


It's understandable. People like getting mail. But the subscription box industry — those startups that periodically ship a "curated" collection of products to your doorstep — has become insane. Companies pop up almost every week, targeting every imaginable demographic, from stepmoms to rock collectors. Late in November, a company called OuiPlease ($150 for each monthly shipment) introduced a box that offers a "selection of the finest Parisian products," such as cheap jewelry and chocolate. There's also HeavenSent ($32.50, monthly), which sends "beautiful Christian inspired" women's tops, and Dive Bar Shirt Club ($22, monthly), offering T-shirts from "unusual" bars across America. Read more...

More about Retail, Subscriptions, Birchbox, Business, and Startups

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